We are a school movement of students who love Jesus from different churches joining together in their schools to reach their friends with the love of Jesus. It is a strength in numbers, not being alone in trying to see our friends encounter the love of Jesus, cause often times the thing that hinders us from sharing our faith is the feeling that we are alone in doing it.
Through the 403 Network, we will partner with youth pastors and youth ministries to help each other to reach our schools.
Our action plan is directly tied to Jesus’ ministry model (who better to imitate!)
1. Gain Favor with God and man
All we know about Jesus from age 12-30 is that He gained favor with Go
d and man.
a. gain favor with God | this comes through prayer. We need to inspire a movement of prayer in our youth.
b. gain favor with man | go to your school and ask your principle/teacher how you we serve (for example, cleaning bathrooms, clean graffiti, doing stats at a basketball game, serving in any way possible)
2. Meet a Need #SERVE403
Jesus always met a need of the people before He preached the gospel. Whether it was a spiritual need (ie. prophecy, word of knowledge or wisdom) or a physical need (ie. healing in the body, food)
Recentlty we rallied at a Church where we called all of our family to create a project that will serve their school. Whether it’s your teachers or classmates, come up with a creative idea that will rebuild the reputation of Christians in your circle of influence ( your school ).
Here are the steps you can follow to create a movement:
Gather together & PRAY. CHECK!
Identify 2 leaders in your group that will give direction. CHECK!
Come up with a creative idea to serve your school.
Run serving project — whether it’s a one time event, or a weekly outreach, do it with joy, kindness and love!
TELL US THE STORY. By using the hashtag #SERVE403 and tagging @403NETWORK, share it on any and all social media platforms and we will repost it on ours!
In February at the 403 Conf we will announce the top three schools stories that will win a PIZZA PARTY FOR THEIR WHOLE SCHOOL!
How do you win you ask?
3 things we are looking for.
1. Creativity - we all have an imagination - come up with the best idea to show love to your school!
2. Reach - what percentage of your school are you reaching? WE WANT TO KNOW!
3. Story telling - did you tell us through one simple photo, a 15 second insta story or could you film a short documentary? We want to hear it and tell the story of what God is doing in Calgary through you! SO DO IT WELL! REMEMBER TO USE THE HASTAG #SERVE403 & TAG @403NETWORK
3. Run an Alpha At your School
We are convinced that everyone we come into contact with needs to know about the love of Jesus and we are coming together to launch the Youth Alpha Film series in Schools in 2017.
We provide training & equipping for any and everyone student, youth leader, youth pastor that wants to be involved. We have found Youth Alpha is the best tool out there to equip & empower people to start the conversation with people about Jesus and his love.
For more information on alpha — check out their website: www.alphacanada.org
4. Preach the Gospel
Jesus always offered a better way then the current way they were living. Preach the good news